Our Host Families

Each of our students can remember the first steps in the family. “What should I say – what should I ask?”, “Is the dog really that friendly as they wrote?”, “I forgot all my English words!”

We make it easy for you. We know you from our video class and we know the host families. They are all different – but are the nicest people around. I always ask myself if I would allow my sons and daughters to stay in their homes – and I can answer this with YES. Most of the families are my kids’ friends and my kids stayed in their houses. YES, I would definitely let my children stay here.

Even if we know them we do background checks. We do not like surprises. However, we do not care about political opinions, we do not care about race or religion. We want your students to stay in a warm and friendly environment.

A host family is a family for a while – however, you can become friends forever. 

Speaks: English, German, French, Spanish


Preferred Student Age

Everybody is different. Everybody has his or her own right time. The youngest students have been 13 years old – the oldest 18 or 19.


High School (13-18)


Level of Students

No matter your grade level, we provide excellent educational opportunities for all students. 

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